To provide internationally recognized, safe and effective skincare products brands, to the Nigerian community thereby bridging the gap of time & currency.
You come first - Customer first
Authentic products sourced from manufactures & accredited retailers only
Consistency in product availability
Competitive pricing
At HelloBeauty Ng, we believe there is beauty in every skin colour. All it needs its love & care.
A need was born out of my desire to protect my fair skin from the adverse environmental effects, slow down the signs of aging & effects of the everyday stress of living in Lagos Nigeria.
Not wanting to turn to uncertified nor untested products in my skincare journey, while access to reliable skincare brands, product authencity & continuous availability where my main challenges, the HelloBeauty NG brand idea was conceived.
To build a brand that offers a wide range of Skincare products from drug store to medical grade.
Today, we are able to offer over 300 products from reliable brands from across the world and we are still growing